SSL on Glassfish - having trouble setting it up

From: <>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 06:41:04 -0600 (CST)

Dear experts,

I am running the Oracle Apex Listener on a Glassfish v.3.1.1 webserver and
wanted to use SSL for a secure connection.

After some trouble in setting up the master password, I was eventually able
to import aa expired certificate into the original keystore using the
My application runs using listener1 and I configured the listener by
specifying the certificate alias "s1as", SSL3=off and entered the info for
keystore=keystore.jks and cacerts.jks.
Before importing I deleted the trial certificate s1as of course.
Well, after rebooting and calling my app via https nothing happens
whatsoever. The connection can't be created.

My question is if I have to setup my app to run under listener2 at port 8181
with listener1 being disabled or does it not matter at all for the moment, as
listener1 should be able to serve both protocols? Could it be that the site
does not appear, since the certificate is expired? I actually expected it to
work nonetheless with a warning being displayed to the user.

Furtherone I had a pkcs12 certificate which I converted to pem and
subsequently from .pem to .der using openssl commands.
Next, I imported the respective X509 conform ".der certificate" file into my
keystore and into the truststore (cacerts.jks).

The question is if my attempt was correct or do I need a root certificate as
well and split the p12 cert into different .der certificates somehow, which
then have to be imported into the keystore and truststore seperately???

As you can read between the lines I am a newbie to such issues and am sorry
for my problem description, which is likely not the best.

However, I hope for some feedback and appreciate your help!

Best regards,



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