Re: does not accept secure connections. Retry with --secure=false.

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 10:58:39 +0100

Hi Chris,

can you pls. check if this issue is reproducible on GF 3.1.1

or latest promoted build of GF 3.1.2



On 01/04/2012 10:38 PM, wrote:
> I have been installing Glassfish 3.1 on Ubuntu according to following
> manual:
> I have created all the certificates and set the admin port to secure:
> sudo -u glassfish /opt/glassfish31/bin/asadmin enable-secure-admin
> When I stop glassfish I constantly get the message that the glassfish
> server
> does not accept secure connections.
> Can someone point me to the problem? I have spent several hours trying to
> find out what's wrong and I'm not finding the problem.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> root_at_s1:/opt/glassfish31/glassfish/domains/domain1/config# sudo -u
> glassfish
> /opt/glassfish31/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain1
> [
> [
> Version: V3
> Subject: CN=acolsolutions, O=acolsolutions, L=Zurich, ST=Zurich,
> C=Switzerland
> Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
> Key: Sun RSA public key, 2048 bits
> modulus:
> 16869994920446977000943460600278705149877410001546309061875175447892298429732841384865624089559317445406219581199332397209661643446305791811388383739917012586400301450930551136079613731667205463942661538042817259582155268694238736464201995703418210424878412266641962658618422044953871100431195892221724826731925542944356633094244768826785799401771401058719330635085921237103299269431991572121972901726803284316272183068922874392914015358291509798788907590999687475489859439734806516930593438732250653909436135977289285585944665474958834496436406868030013156023737650888387663274359328387403882778590599950650126542887
> public exponent: 65537
> Validity: [From: Wed Jan 04 21:12:39 UTC 2012,
> To: Sat Jan 01 21:12:39 UTC 2022]
> Issuer: CN=acolsolutions, O=acolsolutions, L=Zurich, ST=Zurich,
> C=Switzerland
> SerialNumber: [ 4f04c0c7]
> ]
> Algorithm: [SHA1withRSA]
> Signature:
> 0000: 01 EE 15 CA 2A 17 70 C0 66 43 E0 24 D6 7A BA D5 ....*.p.fC.$.z..
> 0010: F3 AC 6C 3F 2A C6 6F 39 08 08 83 0A F3 D7 91 80 ..l?*.o9........
> 0020: C7 14 E3 F2 FB B1 62 95 3B 61 B8 54 FE CF C6 1C ......b.;a.T....
> 0030: C6 F9 26 87 FC E7 E0 17 E8 73 0F CB 3A D9 F3 DC ..&......s..:...
> 0040: 31 0D 02 84 DD DF AD 5A E5 34 46 4D 28 B5 11 94 1......Z.4FM(...
> 0050: B9 DB 33 24 2D B0 EE 12 CC 80 FA 44 85 EE 93 31 ..3$-......D...1
> 0060: E4 F3 1A 20 5E 0D CF 30 A3 E5 38 F9 0E 20 15 FE ... ^..0..8.. ..
> 0070: 5C EC D3 46 E9 59 1A 36 28 07 C5 E9 73 A7 CE 1A \..F.Y.6(...s...
> 0080: 1B E9 64 F1 3A 0F 10 1E A8 9B 93 57 92 D9 DD AA ..d.:......W....
> 0090: A7 97 36 20 D3 66 B9 F2 1E A0 1D A0 0B 10 5B 46 ..6 .f........[F
> 00A0: 69 B7 69 F3 C0 9D C7 57 33 6E D2 50 E4 D1 89 DA i.i....W3n.P....
> 00B0: 4D 8F BB 0A FA 8A 49 B0 CE B5 BE D1 57 66 B3 A7 M.....I.....Wf..
> 00C0: 67 08 11 C8 29 C3 72 0D 27 26 38 C7 6A 34 1B 9E g...).r.'&8.j4..
> 00D0: 2D 48 DE 5D 5B 2A A5 CC 79 EB 6F 1B 48 7C 8D 15 -H.][*..y.o.H...
> 00E0: 95 31 08 9A 18 E9 D6 34 83 FB 0B 21 05 ED 2D E9 .1.....4...!..-.
> 00F0: 23 AE 86 5B 0C 7C 56 15 AE 8F 36 2F 0B F1 D8 E5 #..[..V...6/....
> ]
> Do you trust the above certificate [y|N] -->y
> It appears that server [localhost:4848] does not accept secure
> connections.
> Retry with --secure=false.
> CLI306 Warning - server is not running.
> Command stop-domain executed successfully.
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'charms']
> View Post: