[quote=tmueller]The logger name for LdapRealm is:
javax.enterprise.system.core.security Tom[/quote]
Hi Tom,
I have that set to level FINEST, but I think I'm still not seeing output to
the server.log.
For example, in the LDAPRealm.java, there's this:
<code> if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "LDAP:Group search filter: " +
but I don't see that output at all in the server.log.
What else in the GF Logger configuration would need to be set to get that
Doesn't anyone know the answer to this? Sorry for being persistent, but
we're having some problems getting this configured, and am getting 403
errors, so I really would like to get the debug logging output from
LDAPRealm, to try to figure the problem out. It seems weird that it's so
HARD to get the debug logging, and I can see all the additional places in the
"So near, yet so far" :(!!
Please, anyone?
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