Yes, 4842 was the intended port and the server had been configured
correspondingly. But just to be sure, I also tested it with the default port
3700, with the same result. Here are the OSs and GlassFish versions that I
have tested so far and for which I had not been able to establish a
(working) ORB connection:
*Client OSs: *Fedora 15 / Windows XP
*Client Java Version:* JDK 1.6.0_30-b12
*Server OSs:* Fedora 15 / Red Hat Enteprise Linux 4.1.2-48
*Server Java Version:* JDK 1.6.0_30-b12
*GlassFish Versions:* 3.1.1-b12 / 3.1.2-b16 / 3.1.2-b17 (12-31-2011)
[Message sent by forum member 'mastern']
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