Glassfish JAAS Security - Oracle Database Users.

From: <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 04:31:13 -0600 (CST)

 Forgive me if this question has been asked/answered before - I've done
several searches and can't find anything (which could be more my lack of
observational skills rather than anything else!).

I've got a request to try and tie up an JSF/EJB/JPA application to an Oracle
database and use the user accounts within Oracle (which are all created as
standard database authentication ones without any Enterprise Server or OS
authentication) and their appropriate roles as the authentication and
authorisation sources.

I know I can create a JDBC realm that connects to a custom table, but this
isn't what I want. I've considered using a JDBC realm to get the
username/password from tables like dba_users, but obviously the passwords are
hashed using a salt and I'm not certain whether it's possible to tie these up
to user input using any of the standard JDK digest algorithms.

Any help - or indication whether this is or isn't possible - would be greatly
appreciated. :)

[Message sent by forum member 'Octavius1701']
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