Re: Can't deploy/run - EE 6 with Maven - NB 7.0.1

From: Richard Kolb <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 07:33:01 +0200

Hi there


On 24 December 2011 21:05, <> wrote:

> In Netbeans, the little warning icon won't go away. When I click "Show and
> Resolve Problems", I'm prompted to download some org.eclipse eclipselink
> jars. It succeeds, but the icon doesn't disappear and it doesn't appear
> that
> it actually worked, since I can do this ad never goes away.
> Quite frustrating, as I'm not familiar w/ Maven and just trying to get a
> simple app to deploy to GF 3.x. I never had this mess w/ the default
> Ant-based Enterprise type of project.
> Can anyone help me out? Is Maven just a bad choice for Java EE 6 projects
> in
> Netbeans? I don't have time to hassle with build problems and learn yet
> another framework for something I feel should be automated and
> out-of-sight.
> I never had to deal with Ant before and hopefully never will. I just need
> to
> write some code!

Maven + Glassfish 3 + NetBeans 7.0.1 should work like a charm.
There is probably something small going wrong.
My personal choice , but please don't use Ant :)

I assume this is a new project. Can you send it along ? (just clean it

Also why not just create a WAR project, your EJB's can live inside the WAR
making life much more simple
