Re: Can't deploy/run - EE 6 with Maven - NB 7.0.1

From: <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 10:11:24 -0500

Does your FinancialsAppEJB-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar contain any real EJB? Any
error message in the server.log when you deploy?

If you think this is something that should've already been addressed by
a NetBeans fix, you should also post the question to the NetBeans forum...

On 12/24/2011 2:05 PM, wrote:
> I'm having the problem found in this (supposedly) fixed bug:
> [1]
> I created a Maven Enterprise project w/ an EJB and web project. I
> created an
> empty Stateless bean and a single Entity in the EJB project, along w/ the
> persistence unit needed for my DB.
> The fix described in the report is already present, by default, in the
> pom.xml of my EAR project. Here's what I found:
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-ear-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>2.4.2</version>
> <configuration>
> <version>6</version>
> *<defaultLibBundleDir>lib</defaultLibBundleDir> *
> </configuration>
> </plugin>
> When I deploy, I'm having the exact same problem as described in the
> aforementioned bug report. I can't get rid of this error:
> /Completed initial distribution of FinancialsAppEAR
> Initializing...
> deploy?DEFAULT=D:\Projects\NetbeansProjects\FinancialsApp\FinancialsAppEAR\target\gfdeploy\com.myapp_FinancialsAppEAR_ear_1.0-SNAPSHOT&name=com.myapp_FinancialsAppEAR_ear_1.0-SNAPSHOT&force=true
> failed on GlassFish Server 3.x
> Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app
> [com.myapp_FinancialsAppEAR_ear_1.0-SNAPSHOT] : Invalid ejb jar
> [FinancialsAppEJB-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar]: it contains zero ejb.
> Note:
> 1. A valid ejb jar requires at least one session, entity (1.x/2.x
> style), or
> message-driven bean.
> 2. EJB3+ entity beans (@Entity) are POJOs and please package them as
> library
> jar.
> 3. If the jar file contains valid EJBs which are annotated with EJB
> component
> level annotations (@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven, @Singleton),
> please
> check server.log to see whether the annotations were processed properly..
> Please see server.log for more details.
> The module has not been deployed.
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment.deploy(
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.maven.j2ee.ExecutionChecker.performDeploy(
> at
> org.netbeans.modules.maven.j2ee.ExecutionChecker.executionResult(
> at
> at
> /
> In Netbeans, the little warning icon won't go away. When I click "Show
> and
> Resolve Problems", I'm prompted to download some org.eclipse eclipselink
> jars. It succeeds, but the icon doesn't disappear and it doesn't
> appear that
> it actually worked, since I can do this ad never goes
> away.
> Quite frustrating, as I'm not familiar w/ Maven and just trying to get a
> simple app to deploy to GF 3.x. I never had this mess w/ the default
> Ant-based Enterprise type of project.
> Can anyone help me out? Is Maven just a bad choice for Java EE 6
> projects in
> Netbeans? I don't have time to hassle with build problems and learn yet
> another framework for something I feel should be automated and
> out-of-sight.
> I never had to deal with Ant before and hopefully never will. I just
> need to
> write some code!
> Thanks!
> [1]
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'zambizzi']
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