The problems I have with Glasfish are seriously hampering my efforts to make
any progress with my projects. Is this product really ready to serious
I have in the past month or so been completely stuck in the same, few
problems, and what makes it triply frustrating is that nobody seems able to
give me any sort of indication about what to do, how to debug, trace or
otherwise troubleshoot it. There is nothing in the server.log, and there
seems to be no logic to what the cause may be. I have tried everything,
reinstalling, changing to a newer and bigger machine, installing the
commercial version - sometimes it seems to help, but it soon degrades and
becomes useless again. This is what happens:
1. I install Glassfish, log on to the admin console, set the admin password.
Everything is fine.
2. I enable secure admin by issuing 'asadmin enable-secure-admin'
3. I shut down the domain
4. I start up the domain
5. I connect to the admin console in the browser
The first time I do this on any machine, I am asked to accept a new
certificate in step 5, or sometimes in step 3. If I then restart the domain,
step 5 is likely to hang for a longish time, then I get a message saying 'The
connection was interrupted while the page was loading.' or sometimes 'The
connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.' When the
latter occurs, I also get a handful of messages in the server.log saying:
Interrupting idle Thread: admin-thread-pool-4848(4).|#]
After a few restarts, the situation gets so bad that not only can I get no
contact with the admin console, but even after I remove the installed
software and reinstall, it no longer works. Can anybody even begin to imagine
what this is about? I certainly can't.
So, does anybody actually work seriously with Glassfish? And if so, how? Is
it only possible to use it by developing locally on the server and deploying
by hand, totally disabling secure admin?
I'm sorry for blowing off like this - I know that this is an open forum, and
nobody is beholden to me, but I have even tried subitting a service request
to Oracle through Metalink - no response so far, apparently it has not even
been looked at by anybody in the organisation. So please, if you happen to
have any shred of insight into this, or any idea about how one might wring
more information, like traces or log messages, out of the server, do let me
[Message sent by forum member 'janpla']
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