GF 3.1.1 ResourceBundles, classloading and applib classloader - MissingResourceException

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 12:13:03 +0100

Hi experts,

I'm trying to understand how I can leverage'Applib' classloader.

Following simple Web-app with one jsp having the scriptlet

" <%
  ResourceBundle bundle = RBLoader.loadResourceBundle();

The class 'RBLoader' receides in lib 'RBLib.jar'

The class itself looks like

public class RBLoader {
    private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "testconfig";

    public static ResourceBundle loadResourceBundle() {
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
        return bundle;


The resource bundle file is put into 'TestBundle.jar'

jar tvf <instance-dir>/lib/applibs/TestBundle.jar
     0 Wed Nov 23 11:25:18 CET 2011 META-INF/
    65 Wed Nov 23 11:25:18 CET 2011 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    24 Wed Nov 23 11:23:40 CET 2011

Why do I get a 'MissingResourceException'

6;|StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: PWC1406: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp
threw e
java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle for base name
locale en_US
        at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
        at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
        at org.test.util.RBLoader.loadResourceBundle(
        at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(

when I deploy the app using

asadmin .... deploy --libraries TestBundle.jar,RBLib.jar <path-to-web-app>

Thanks for shedding some light...


P.S. I'm try this not just for fun but having a 3rd party app which does
work similar

IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
- Painstaking Minds -
83620 Vagen (Munich area)