Re: Change in appclient behavior: sun-acc.xml is now glassfish-acc.xml

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 11:55:52 -0600

On Nov 22, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Rebecca Parks wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> According to Issue 16339, Sherry Hill's last comment dated 11/18,
> this is not being implemented for 3.1.2. Please clarify.
I'm not sure which issue you are looking at. The last couple of
comments on 16339 are mine, and the latest on - on Nov. 18 - is that
we are not going to make the file name change for 3.1.2. The name
change IS in for the trunk but not for 3.1.2.

- Tim

> Rebecca
> On 11/21/11 19:27, Tim Quinn wrote:
>> Hello, everyone.
>> As part of the general change throughout GlassFish to change
>> GlassFish-specific file names from sun-xxx to glassfish-xxx, I have
>> recently made that change in the GlassFish trunk (also known in the
>> JIRA system as 4.0) so that the default ACC config file has changed
>> from sun-acc.xml to glassfish-acc.xml.
>> When you create a new domain, GlassFish will generated glassfish-
>> acc.xml.
>> When you run the appclient command to launch an app client, if you
>> omit the "-xml" option (which you can use to specify an ACC config
>> file you want to use) the appclient command will by default look
>> for the glassfish-acc.xml command in the domain's config directory.
>> If you have your own ACC config file (named sun-acc.xml or anything
>> else) you can continue to specify it using the "-xml" option on the
>> appclient command. But note that if you have been using the
>> default config file as created by GlassFish and you have also been
>> specifying that default using
>> -xml domains/domain1/config/sun-acc.xml
>> then this will no longer work when you install GlassFish or create
>> a new domain unless you place a sun-acc.xml file into the domain's
>> config directory or change your command.
>> I have updated the devtest scripts that referred to sun-acc.xml
>> explicitly. If you have scripts that assume that the default ACC
>> config file is sun-acc.xml please change them to work with the
>> GlassFish trunk.
>> Thanks.
>> - Tim