Problem with IceFaces 2.0.2 on Glassfish 3.1.1 with Mojarra 2.1.3

From: <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 02:19:40 -0500 (CDT)

Not sure wether this is a Mojarra or IceFaces Bug.
I have this error message when calling a facelet:
configured for view /Home.xhtml but h:head and h:body components are
I had a look at the IceFaces code and see that the SystemEventListener
HeadBodyListener writes
the values for body and head and the BridgeSetup uses this values and
the error message when there were not found.
I debugged it and have seen that the HeadBodyListener is called AFTER!! the
BridgeSetup listener,
so this never works!!
The HeadBodyListener is registered for the
javax.faces.event.PostAddToViewEvent and the BridgeSetup
is registered for the javax.faces.event.PreRenderViewEvent.
Anyone an idea where the bug is?
Regards Michael

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