Re: glassfish and importing certificates

From: N W <>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2011 19:07:18 -0400

Hi Radim,

We use Eclipselink 2.3.0.v20110604-r9504 bundled with Glassfish in production and are very happy with it.

Obviously, Redhat will bundle by default Hibernate with JBoss as they are both Redhat 'products'.

Obviously, the ASF will bundle OpenJPA with Geronimo. They are both ASF projects.

Obviously Oracle is going to use Eclipselink/Oracle Toplink for Glassfish and Weblogic as they have investments in those projects.

Eclipselink is the reference implementation for JPA 2. It was available day 1 with Glassfish v3.

It took OpenJPA 5+ months to release a JPA-2 (JSR 317) complaint version.

It took Hibernate ~5 months to release its JPA2 compliant version as well.

Weblogic bundles both Eclipselink/Oracle Toplink and OpenJPA/Kodo with Weblogic 10.3.5 and as of 10.3.5 they have officially deprecated OpenJPA/Kodo usage in Weblogic.

Looking at the current landscape I don't agree with your statement that OpenJPA is the "industry standard". If anything the only thing standard is that the default impl. depends on what impl. the AS sponsor has invested in.

Each impl. has their own strengths and weaknesses. I've seen studies that show Eclipselink beating the others in certain tasks and not in others. It depends on what you application needs, just pick the the impl. that fits your applications needs the best.


On Oct 30, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Radim Kolar wrote:

> GUI is nice to have but if i can choose between GUI for import keys and replacing Eclipselink with OpenJPA then i vote for second. Seriously guys eclipse link must go away, openjpa is industry standard weblogic, geronimo, websphere is using it while jboss is using hibernate.