Re: Websphere vs Glassfish

From: John Clingan <>
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2011 11:31:58 -0700

Agreed. Radim, you're active posting bugs in the Geronimo community really helps them build a better product. Your proactive feedback in the GlassFish community (via Jira) would be equally beneficial.

Thanks for the feedback.

On Oct 15, 2011, at 8:42 AM, Shreedhar Ganapathy <> wrote:

> Hi Radim
> First off, we very much appreciate your candid feedback. Some responses below :
> On 10/14/11 11:36 PM, Radim Kolar wrote:
>> Dne 13.10.2011 18:30, Leonardo napsal(a):
>>> I disagree about stability, only old releases with great fixpacks lists (therefore forget JEE6 for the moment) can say that.
>> Of course, usually people are using websphere - 2 major versions in production. websphere is amazing piece of software.
>> In every glassfish version, i have stability problems. V2 was uber junk with big memory leaks, V3 is better but it is still easy to kill it with denial of service attack.
> It is always great to have feedback from community users who have experienced many application servers and share their insights. So your time taken to share feedback is very much appreciated.
> Have you filed issues in the GlassFish community JIRA ( so issues you see with GlassFish can be fixed ? This will make your feedback more actionable for us to work on.
> You've mentioned v2 and v3 - could you be specific about the versions you have used? The last shipped version for v2 was v2.1.1 and the latest release of GlassFish on v3 was 3.1.1 - in the community roadmap we have shared plans for a 3.1.2 release in future - so it would be great to have your issues on 3.1.1 filed on JIRA so developers can look into it.
> More below
>> Same app on websphere survives everything.
>> Open source app servers:
>> Jboss - avoid if possible for new projects, really bad web console, not compatible. Use only if you are jboss shop. Not very stable, often memory leaks , great documentation and community. Sometimes do not even works out-of-box after install.
>> geronimo - really good stability, but classloading suck so much, you need several days to get app running, i was not able to run some WARs due to stupid classloading at all. Console has really good monitoring and debugging tools. Bad documentation. NO UPDATE even between minor versions, reinstall entire app server is must. Included active mq broker is really very unstable but kinda fast. Its number 1 cause of server crashes.
>> glassfish - server monitoring sucks,
> What would you like to see ? Could you share some insights into what would constitute good monitoring capability in your view and file enhancement requests in JIRA?
>> but GUI for cluster management is great help, almost all WARs runs out of box. update tool is really nice stuff, performance is better then geronimo, stability is not very good, scheduled restarts are required for improving server health.
> It would greatly help to know specifics of the issues you are seeing - are restarts required because of heap exhaustion, high CPU utilization, perm gen issues, deadlocks ? There numerous ways in which differently written application code paths can cause application server behavior to be different from what we have tested in our quality tests. Hence, it is very important to know your specific issues with appropriate logs, thread dumps, jmaps and such other output to address stability issues.
>> so-so documentation,
> What do you see lacking? I request you to please give us specifics.
>> almost no community outside Sun fanclub.
> Your participation in our community itself is a great testament to our growing community outreach - we welcome constructive criticism as much as appreciation for the GlassFish community contributions. You are part of our community and your contributions in the form of bugs, feedback and even code would help the overall GlassFish community become an enriched place. We highly encourage your active participation in contributing on the above lines.
>> some things are really difficult to find, people needs to blog about this more often.
> Again, I would very much appreciate specifics so we can address these.
>> Easier administration then jboss or geronimo. Usually people needs 1 day to setup app in geronimo (if they don't have experience with that app in G) and 1/2 hour in glassfish including glassfish installation. Best option for J2EE starters. NO FREEBSD SUPPORT for update tool.
>> OpenMQ is broker is so-so. Performance is 30-50% worse then activemq but stability is better. Problem is that queue size is openmq is limited by server memory, no swap to disk.
> This is good feedback - we can have someone from our MQ team respond on this.
> Thank you very much for sharing your feedback with us. We look forward to your continued active participation in improving the GlassFish experience for users like you and many others in our community. Additionally, for your production needs, I'd also suggest considering buying support for your GlassFish and MQ deployment.
> Best regards
> Shreedhar
>> We currently use it but only because other OSS JMS brokers sucks even more. It tends to hang for long time if messages are not consumed for a while. Sadly all opensource JMS brokers are kind crap, i am not talking about performance but about stability. For message broker stability is #1.