I have configured GlassFish to work with JK but the jvmRoute "variable" is not added to the sessionid even I have defined it almost everywhere.
I have a standalone glassfish but in our infraestructure we work with many tomcat's, jboss, websphere, etc... and for us is very useful to know where apaches are sending request. Note that application is working perfectly and therefore mod_jk looks correcly configured (I have the same configuration in all tomcats of our infraestructure.).
I attach the domain.xml file and a screenshot where we can see that jvmRoute is not added to the url.
Look sessionid=a6a31043fff840ca1a1651f1c9ae
If I execute the same application running on tomcat:
On tomcat sessionid=1089CF954294C2D813E18D38A39BF9E9.workerW37
Any help will be apreciated
Thanks a lot.
Oscar Segarra Rey
Àrea TIC-Sistemes i Telecomunicacions
Departament de la Presidència
C/ Sant Honorat 1-3 | 08002 Barcelona | tel: 934024834
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