Re: JSF 2 pages spread over multiple OSGi bundles

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 09:32:32 -0500

While not perfect, GlassFish has a number of OSGi features exposed to
the end user which are all nicely documented in the official
documentation. What this user is trying to do is a pretty specific use
case, so it's not something we have had to investigate yet. Oddly
enough, though, I was recently requested to do exactly this same thing,
so I'll be looking into this as well.

We can't cover every use case a user might have, but we try to cover the
big ones. The others we'll fill in as we can when the need arises.
This is, though, an open source effort, so there's always room for
someone to jump in and help, as is the case here. :)

On 8/4/11 6:48 AM, Martin Gainty wrote:
> your product is suffering mr ellison...
> why doesnt larry open his wallet and hire some of the millions of
> unpaid engineers that support this product?
> JBoss is no picnic but at least RH PAYS their engineers to put OSGI
> features in JBoss
> 'Nuf said
> Martin Gainty
Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish REST API / Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193