Maven embedded plugin (again): server starts, but I can't communicate with it

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 13:24:01 -0400

Hello; I'm having another issue with the maven-embedded-glassfish-plugin
(version 3.1.1).

I am able to start the server and run a Maven failsafe test. The server
comes up and goes down exactly as I would expect so no issues there. Thanks
indirectly go to Alexis for
provided me this recipe.

However, my integration test case that I run via maven-failsafe-plugin hangs
trying to establish a connection with a new InitialContext().lookup() call.

I have no other servers running on my box at the moment, so it's not a port
3700 conflict (port 3700 doesn't show up in a netstat listing; perhaps
there's some other way to rule out a port conflict?).

Here is (some of) my pom.xml configuration for my ear project. Some values
(versions, etc.) are inherited from a parent POM. I have more to say after
the excerpt below.

  <!-- for picking up all the stuff that needs to be there for new
IntialContext() to work properly -->


    <id>Compile test classes</id>

    <id>Run integration tests</id>

That configuration causes everything to work properly: embedded glassfish
starts up fine, finds my .ear file, deploys it, and then
maven-failsafe-plugin takes over and runs my integration tests.

At this point my test class does this:


...which matches one of the global portable JNDI names that Glassfish tells
me it has established. The new InitialContext() call works fine; i.e. all
classes are loaded, it obviously tries to connect to Glassfish and--

--then the thing just sits there.

Eventually it dies with a communications error:

Caused by: Connection refused
    at Method)
org.glassfish.enterprise.iiop.impl.IIOPSSLSocketFactory.createSocket( for whatever reason something is not answering the phone on port 3700
(where CORBA normally does its thing).

Is there some kind of delay or sleep I have to bake in to my test? Is there
some other reason why my test would not be able to communicate with the
running Glassfish instance?
