Glassfish OCE 3.1.1 Administration Console "Application -> Actions -> Reload

From: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 14:21:26 -0500 (CDT)

Hi everyone,

While I am fully aware of the dynamic reload feature and .reload file I am
puzzled by the "Reload" action in the Administration Console. Namely, I don't
see any effect when selecting the Reload action. I would expect the reload
action to work without the .reload file.

I apologize if this question has been asked before. Please explain how to
use the Reload action. I deployed a web module (simple html page), changed
web.xml in the exploded directory (added some security constraints and
BASIC authentication) but GlassFish didn't pick up the changes. Of course,
rebuilding a war with the changes included and redeploying the war worked

Pg. 58 of the application deploymet guide states:

"Dynamic reloading enables you to change the code or deployment descriptors
of an application or module without needing to perform an explicit
redeployment. Instead, you can copy the changed class files or descriptors
into the deployment directory for the application or module. The server
checks for changes periodically and automatically redeploys the changes if
the timestamp of the .reload file in the root directory for the application
or module has changed."


However, I wasn't able to find the Administration Console Reload
functionality explained in the GlassFIsh documentation set.

Many thanks,


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