glassfish-resources.xml: always app-scoped?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2011 13:26:00 -0400

Suppose I wanted to set up the following in glassfish-resources.xml in my
ear file's META-INF directory:

   - A connection pool
   - One JDBC resource pointing at the pool for use by my .ear file
   - One JDBC resource pointing at the pool for use by the JDBC realm

If I did this, and then set up my JDBC realm to point at the last JDBC
resource, then it would seem to me to be the case that the JDBC realm could
not actually work, since if I understand correctly the JDBC resources
created by glassfish-resources.xml are always scoped to the application.

Or perhaps I'm missing something? Can glassfish-resources.xml set up global
connection pools and global JDBC resources that survive application

Or, conversely, can a JDBC realm point at an application-scoped JDBC
resource (I would think this would be impossible)?

