Re: EJBContext: thread safe?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 10:45:05 -0400

On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Laird Nelson <> wrote:

> So here's (part of the monstrous) stack I get in the logger's warning above
> (again, apologies to forum readers for the hatchet job on the formatting the
> forum software will perform):

Actually, another thing that is slightly alarming is that the
@PreUpdate callback
is being fired on a simple "find" method (i.e. no
EntityManager.merge()call). That seems to be because a
@PreUpdate call can happen when an entity's state is flushed to the database
(i.e. whether you merge() it or not). Thus speaketh the JPA specification

The PreUpdate and PostUpdate callbacks occur before and after the database
> update operations to entity data respectively. These database operations may
> occur at the time the entity state is updated or they may occur at the time
> state is flushed to the database (which may be at the end of the
> transaction).

  That means my entity listener can be invoked on every single simple
findByPrimaryKey() operation (i.e. when the entity has actually NOT been
updated). That seems wrong--is there some obvious way I can detect whether
my entity listener invocation is due to a simple database flush versus an
actual update? Or is the fact that its state is being flushed to the
database on a simple find operation a problem (it sure looks to ME like it

So many questions. :-)

