I have a pentaho web application deployed on JBoss. I need to move the
application to a GF server.
I need help to have the application deployed and running, but troubles don't
stop to show up.
In my second attempt I tried to deploy the pentaho application with the GF
web administration console:
1.- I used ANT to create a dot-war file so I can deploy my pentaho
application with a tomcat. I guess I need to do something of the sort for GF,
it's just I don't know how.
2.- I copied into the directory where I created this dot-war file my
pentaho-solutions directory, in which happens to be the application.
3.- I've choosen the packaged file option to deploy at the GF web
administration console.
4.- I pressed Ok
Then, I got an error message which basically said that
pentaho-spring-beans.xml could not be found.
You can see the stacktrace shown in the server.log in the file attached.
I still need to know how to deploy my pentaho application in GF server. Can
anybody help me?
Thanks in advance for your help!!!!!!
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