Best way to use JPA with relationships

From: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 02:42:49 -0500 (CDT)

When I have an Entity with relationships I don't know which is the best way
to save changes to DB.
Here is a simplified entity. Please consider I have made little changes to
the code to post it here and I can have introduced some errors. 
public class Permessitemporanei implements Serializable
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Basic(optional = false)
    @Column(name = "ID_permesso")
    private Integer iDpermesso;
    @Column(name = "Stato_permesso")
    private Integer statopermesso;
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "iDpermesso")
    private Collection<Accessiconpermesso> accessiconpermessoCollection;
    @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "iDpermesso")
    private Ingressiconpermesso  ingressiconpermesso;
As you can see it is linked to other 2 entities with a OneToMany and OneToOne
I'm using Glassfish with jta so transactions and entityManagers are managed
by the container.
At a time I have a detached (JPA terminology) Permessitemporanei instance in
I have to persist the following changes to the database:
1- the associated ingressiconpermesso must be deleted
2- a new  ingressiconpermesso must be created
3- statopermesso field must be updated
4- a new Accessiconpermesso must be added to the collection
Which is the best way of doing so ? Perhaps I can do all necessary changes in
the Permessitemporanei instance an merge it but I had many troubles doing so
and start to think it is not the right side of the relationships to persist
For me it more natural to save an object at a time, so eliminating all those
cascade = CascadeType.ALL.
Suppose my Permessitemporanei instance is called  'permesso' ;  my code is
something like this:
1- getEntityManager().remove(permesso.ingressiconpermesso);
2- getEntityManager().persist(a new Ingressiconpermesso  );
3- getEntityManager().merge(permesso) // once its statopermesso filed has
been updated;
4- getEntityManager().perist(a new Accessiconpermesso );
Obviously this way I have to manually update the in memory 'permesso' with
all the changes I made on Database.
Is there a better approach ?
By the way all the JPA relationships I have seen are bidirectional. Can I
make them unidirectional ? To put it in other words can I safely eliminate
OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "iDpermesso")
    private Collection<Accessiconpermesso> accessiconpermessoCollection;
from the Permessitemporanei entity preserving it on the Accessiconpermesso
entity or do i break JPA ?

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