RE: 1.5Gb in Memory : Constant Restarting of Services

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 09:57:06 -0400

there are a number of strategies you can use to ensure number of available pre-alloced connections stay above the configured threshold
the first is to implement Apache-DBCP connection pooling and pull the next available connection from the pre-allocated connection pool.

and remember
if you dont need the connection close it!

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> To:
> Subject: 1.5Gb in Memory : Constant Restarting of Services
> From:
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:25:01 -0500
> Hi All
> I work in our Operations department, and recently we were asked to baby sit
> our Glassfish environment.
> Currently we have 2 webservers, both MS server 2003 R2 enterprise edition
> with service pack2.
> What we have been requested to do is monitor the NumConnFree (not sure if
> this is standard naming convention for the Admin Console).
> When this count (default to 150) gets to 20 or less, we need to log on to
> either of the affected server and stop the services (in our case its
> GlassFishAppServer), then stop Apache2.2, then start the glassfish service
> and start Apache. Its either that, or we need to monitor the memory usage of
> "Java" on both boxes and when it gets above 1.5Gb in memory(theses boxes only
> have 2Gb) then we do the same stop and start process.
> Since we have two webservers, we have to alternate the stop/restart process
> to ensure we always have connections open for our clients to connect.
> Now Im not a developer, but i know this is wrong. And when I ask them why
> this works like this they say this is just the way it works..
> Is there anything else I can provide this community to paint this picture any
> clearer, and then request the assistance to help overcome this repetitive and
> (Im fairly certain) unnecessary process?
> Eagerly awaiting your responses, questions, sympathy etc..
> JDee
> --
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