Hi All
I work in our Operations department, and recently we were asked to baby sit
our Glassfish environment.
Currently we have 2 webservers, both MS server 2003 R2 enterprise edition
with service pack2.
What we have been requested to do is monitor the NumConnFree (not sure if
this is standard naming convention for the Admin Console).
When this count (default to 150) gets to 20 or less, we need to log on to
either of the affected server and stop the services (in our case its
GlassFishAppServer), then stop Apache2.2, then start the glassfish service
and start Apache. Its either that, or we need to monitor the memory usage of
"Java" on both boxes and when it gets above 1.5Gb in memory(theses boxes only
have 2Gb) then we do the same stop and start process.
Since we have two webservers, we have to alternate the stop/restart process
to ensure we always have connections open for our clients to connect.
Now Im not a developer, but i know this is wrong. And when I ask them why
this works like this they say this is just the way it works..
Is there anything else I can provide this community to paint this picture any
clearer, and then request the assistance to help overcome this repetitive and
(Im fairly certain) unnecessary process?
Eagerly awaiting your responses, questions, sympathy etc..
[Message sent by forum member 'justind']
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