Glassfish JAAS authentication delegation

From: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 12:34:28 -0500 (CDT)

 Hi All,

This is my first post to this forum. I am new to JAAS and glassfish. 

We have two apps, App1 runs in Glassfish and uses JAAS (using custom Realm),
and App2 runs in tomcat and uses Springsecurity, App1 needs to access App2,
currently the user has to login twice once in Glassfish and again tomcat, we
are looking at the following 2 solutions:

Solution 1:

If the user log into App1 and tries to access App2, we want to use the
subject and principal in App1 to be used in App2 by spring security.

Solution 2: 

Delegate all the authentication from App1 to App2 and place the share the
securitycontext between JAAS and springsecurityIs there a way in JAAS to
achieve either of this??





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