On Windows a file left open cannot be renamed or deleted. This can
interfere with subsequent deployments or executions of an app with the same
Normally this is not a big issue, because GlassFish will overwrite-in-place a
"stale" file left over from an earlier deployment with the file from the new
deployment. But if a file was present in the earlier app but not in a
subsequent one, and if GlassFish cannot delete it, then that could be a
problem because the file would remain in the directory GlassFish uses to
expand the deployed archive.
To prevent this, on Windows GlassFish does some extra processing on the
expansion directory. It keeps track of such "stale" files - leftover files
from previous deployments of the app that do not appear in the current
deployment of the app - and it ignores these stale files.
The message you see is GlassFish informing you that, for some reason, it
could not delete that directory (either because some file remains in that
directory or the directory itself is currently open by some process) and that
it is ignoring that directory because it does not appear in the
newly-deployed app.
Note that this can happen - in fact this problem first appeared - if you
deploy a completely different app with the same name (using --name appName on
the deploy command, for example) as an earlier app. In your case, it looks
as if you are reusing the app name Foo.
- Tim
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']
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