I do not wanna to promote any tools here, but take a look at Jrebel.
They have a reallly good support for classes reloading
br Jakub
2011/7/9 Ludovic Champenois <ludovic.champenois_at_oracle.com>:
> On 7/9/11 9:10 AM, forums_at_java.net wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for your answer. I checked out this kind of deployment already. An
>> "redeploy" and "touch" reloads *all* modules wihtin the ear! I think this
>> is
>> not "*incremental*".
>> Netbeans does /not/ reload the whole ear!
> Yes it does.
> It only updates the necessary small set of files in the exploded view of an
> EAR ( hence maybe the incremental term) , and then does a complete
> 'redeploy'.
>> The server cosole says, that ther
>> was a reload *only for one* of my ejb modules within the ear. How do they
>> do
>> this?
> GlassFish does not support it. The unit of deployment or reload or
> redeployment is always the entire application, not part of it.
> We try to optimize as much as we can in terms of speed. This is what you see
> from NetBeans, it is fast, but a complete app redeployment.
>> Daniel
>> --
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