Seems like this would be a very standard use-case, but I keep running into
show-stopping issues trying to make it work.
Trying to get embedded glassfish inside our app to recognize a custom realm,
use custom realm / long module to call back to the app, and also use custom
ssl cert. I know how to make the config changes, etc. and I have all of
that working in a non-embedded instance fine -- but can't figure out how to
make it happen in an embedded instance.
I almost have it working in embedded gf by using setInstanceRoot() to a real
folder, using setConfigFileURI() with an updated domain.xml, AND having to
copy in my new login.conf, keystore, etc. into that instance root's /config
folder. BUT that leaves issues with the classpath, among others being that
the jsp compiler isn't finding anything in the system classpath (i.e. jsp's
that refer to the underlying application compile fine when using the default
glassfish startup--but then custom login.conf, etc. aren't present--but when
I run embedded with an instance root set and my login.conf etc. copied into
that config folder, jsp's don't compile).
Surely there is some straightforward way to get an embedded instance to use
my new keystore, recognize my custom realms, but I can't find it. I don't
have to build my own glassfish embedded jar, do I ?
[Message sent by forum member 'kdwinton']
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