Re: Problem with glassfish clustering 3.1.1 b8

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2011 14:29:03 -0400

On 6/23/11 4:58 AM, wrote:
> *asadmin get-health portal-cluster*
> portal-instance1 started since Wed Jun 22 17:17:20 MSD 2011
> portal-instance3 started since Wed Jun 22 17:17:21 MSD 2011
> Command get-health executed successfully.

It looks like the GMS subsystem is working correctly, so there could be
something going on in the HA layer above it. Someone else will have to
give you some help, but it might help if you describe what makes you
think that sessions aren't being replicated to another node.

> When i'm running *asadmin validate-multicast --multicastaddress
> --multicastport 8150 --bindaddress --timeout 45* on
> second node
> in logs appears error message like this:
> [#|2011-06-22T17:35:16.680+0400|WARNING|glassfish3.1|ShoalLogger|_ThreadID=29;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|GMS1071:
> damaged multicast packet discarded
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: magic number is not valid

If you're running the tool at the same time GF is running, with the same
multicast info, then they'll both be getting each others' messages. This
isn't a bug -- they're not expected to be run at the same time. From the
validate-multicast help page:

      Note -

        Do not run the validate-multicast subcommand using the DAS
        and cluster's multicast address and port values while the
        DAS and cluster are running. Doing so results in an error.
