Quick Question

From: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 06:26:39 -0500 (CDT)

Hi Guys,

I tried this on 2 machines (both windows XP)

Basically we would have netbeans 6.8 which Glassfish 3.0 comes bundled on
both machines. But Glassfidh V2.1.1 would have been installed and
subsequently used instead. As this is what we always have our apps on.

Now we are looking at clustering so need to use glassfish 3.1. I installed
(not updated) glassfish 3.1 on both machines. Both fell over saying that
during the installation, the installer failed to create the default domain ->
domain 1. I could not get this working no matter what I tried.

I then downloaded the zipped verison of 3.1. uin zipped. and at first glance
everything seemed fine. But any changes i make to domain.xml are not saved. I
keep getting an exception saying: Could not rename
C:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml to

im logged in as a admin user. i dont understand why this is happening. Should
I have just done and upgrade on a previous glassfish install. does it matter
if i have multiple versions of glassfish running on the same machine?



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