Re: EJBTimers / _at_Schedule in GF 3.1.x Cluster

From: Cheng Fang <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 11:37:23 -0400

Please see GlassFish Application Development Guide on timer in cluster:

On 6/22/11 1:57 AM, Markus Eisele wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering about EJB Timers in GF Cluster.
> Following Adams simple example
> ( I
> tried to get a
> timer up and running on a 3.1.1-b08 single instance (timer1).
> Whatever I do and try this will not work.
> Timers are only executed if the app is targeted directly to the admin
> server. If I set the target to timer1 nothing happens.
> Any ideas or hints?
> Thanks,
> Markus