My name is Igor. I'm a student of Saint-Petersburg university and I'm start working with GlassFish AS. I found this email address at this source
http://glassfish.java.net/public/mailing-lists.html and I hope I don't mistake in something.
I have a question about clustering. I need to create the cluster with two remote nodes: the 1st is main computer where I install Apache Web Server and mod_jk for load balancing and the 2nd have only GlassFish AS. So, if I right understand, the request from client comes to the load balancer and then redirect to the 1st or to the 2nd node. If the 2nd node is crush - there is no problems, 1st will be in action. But what will happen if the 1st node crush. Is the 2nd node don't be able to work with client? If I right understand, how can I solve this problem?
I'm sorry if my English is no good and I will be very thankful for your help!
Best regards,
Meleshchenko Igor.