From: emiddio-frontier <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 18:01:35 -0700

netbeans 7 has wizard to create JSP pages or fragments, with either
standard or xml syntax.

jsp xml pages end with .jspx
jsp standard pages end with .jsp
both xml and standard fragment pages end with .jspf

when i create brand new Web project with or without JSF as a framework i
get same behavior described below.

always .jsp, and .jspx pages seem to be processed by the JSP servlet.

.jspf pages when invoked directly are only processed by JSP servlet if
they use xml syntax,
standard syntax .jspf pages appear to be not recognized -- processed as
a static text file.

is this a bug ? how can i configure standard jsp syntax fragments using
.jspf to be recognized ?

