Re: Glassfish 3.1 Clustering

From: Amy Roh <>
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 14:37:27 -0700

On 6/5/11 2:51 PM, wrote:
> I have configured Glassfish 3.1 with a clustering in 2 machines, it
> seems to
> works, but I have some questions/problems:
> - I have configured apache+ Mod_jk to load balance but seems that
> session are
> not replicated and are note working correctly with this configuration,
> application is deployed in cluster with availability. In Glassfish
> cluster I
> have created 2 listener in port 8011 and 8012, used 8011 for node1 and
> 8012
> for node2 is this correct or with only 1 is enough?

You should create a jk-enabled listener with system properties
${AJP_PORT} and ${AJP_INSTANCE_NAME} for each instance.

For example,

asadmin create-network-listener --jkenabled true --target cluster1
--protocol http-listener-1 --listenerport ${AJP_PORT} jk-listener

asadmin create-jvm-options --target cluster1

Configure the above system properties for each instance in the cluster.
For example, for a cluster instance named "instance1", run these commands:

asadmin create-system-properties --target instance1 AJP_INSTANCE_NAME=instance1
asadmin create-system-properties --target instance1 AJP_PORT=8009

asadmin create-system-properties --target instance2 AJP_INSTANCE_NAME=instance2
asadmin create-system-properties --target instance2 AJP_PORT=8010

You can find full instructions in the following blogs -


> - Also I have tried to balance using balance
> ( and with this method seems that
> sessions
> replication are working correctly, but I'm not sure what is the best
> method
> and adv/inco because glassfish docs detail only apache and mod_jk are
> supported... Why?
> Thanks
> --
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