Re: Glassfish also has the function of web server?

From: Shing Wai Chan <>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 09:56:04 -0700

> In addition to what Alexis said, GlassFish does have the capability,
> via the "docroot" directory, to serve up HTML pages, images, and other
> files that are not packaged into a web application. This may be what
> is giving you the feeling that it seems that it is also a web server.
> Where a true web server is different though is that most web servers
> also provide capabilities to do many other functions via proprietary
> plugin interface such as CGI, server side scripting, load balancing,
> reverse proxy, filtering, file-based access control, etc. As a Java
> application server, GlassFish provides an environment for running Java
> EE applications. The only overlap with a web server is in the ability
> to serve up files.
GlassFish does support CGI and Server Side Include.

Shing Wai Chan
> Tom