i was using Netbeans 7 glassfish was working just fine but seddenly it
refused to start diplaying this error: Glassfish start failed! so yesterday i
unistalled Netbeans 7 and installed Netbeans 6.9, glassfish worked fine, but
today when i tryed to continue my work, glassfish refused to start again!!
please help me, because i have just 15days to work this project... :(
here is the log:
>15 mai 2011 12:25:40 com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain main
>INFO: Launching GlassFish on Felix platform Welcome to Felix INFO: Perform
>lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2' INFO: Starting
>Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o - Sun May 15 12:26:46 WET 2011 INFO: Starting
>Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o - Sun May 15 12:26:46 WET 2011 INFO: Grizzly
>Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 775ms listening on port 8181 INFO: Grizzly
>Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 733ms listening on port 3700 INFO: Grizzly
>Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 735ms listening on port 7676 INFO: Grizzly
>Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 904ms listening on port 8080 INFO: Grizzly
>Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 825ms listening on port 4848 INFO: Using
>com.sun.enterprise.transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate as
>the delegate INFO: SEC1002: Security Manager is OFF. INFO: Security startup
>service called INFO: SEC1143: Loading policy provider
>com.sun.enterprise.security.provider.PolicyWrapper. INFO: Realm admin-realm
>of classtype com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.file.FileRealm
>successfully created. INFO: Realm file of classtype
>com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.file.FileRealm successfully created.
>INFO: Realm certificate of classtype
>successfully created. INFO: Security service(s) started successfully....
>INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-1 on port 8080 INFO: Created HTTP
>listener http-listener-2 on port 8181 INFO: Created HTTP listener
>admin-listener on port 4848 INFO: Created virtual server server INFO:
>Created virtual server __asadmin INFO: Virtual server server loaded system
>default web module GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool 60 at position41 GRAVE:
>Unknow type constant pool -26 at position42 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool
>-70 at position43 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool -99 at position44 GRAVE:
>Unknow type constant pool 60 at position45 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool
>-23 at position46 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool -119 at position47 GRAVE:
>Unknow type constant pool 60 at position41 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool
>-26 at position42 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool -70 at position43 GRAVE:
>Unknow type constant pool -99 at position44 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool
>60 at position45 GRAVE: Unknow type constant pool -23 at position46 GRAVE:
>Unknow type constant pool -119 at position47 INFO: Initialisation de Mojarra
>2.0.2 (FCS b10) pour le contexte
>'/com.mycompany_mavenproject1_war_1.0-SNAPSHOT' INFO: Monitoring
>for modifications INFO: PWC1412:
>ServletContext.log():Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext INFO:
>Loading application com.mycompany_mavenproject1_war_1.0-SNAPSHOT at
with my best regards.
[Message sent by forum member 'skyweb']
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