RE: ZDI-11-137 / CVE 2011-0807

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 07:32:21 -0400

any reason why you cannot use a third party IETF-PKIX Implementor
Martin Gainty
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> To:
> Subject: Re: ZDI-11-137 / CVE 2011-0807
> From:
> Date: Tue, 10 May 2011 05:50:47 -0500
> Thanks Tom, I have seen that page (it is where I first heard of the issue).
> My understanding is that the Open Source release is unsupported, which is why
> it is not listed on the Oracle website. Presumably the problem has been /
> will be addressed in the Open Source release, regardless of whether or not it
> is officially supported? Or has the 3.0.1 version been abandoned, and we need
> to move to 3.1?
> --
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