Re: OpenMQ unexpected shutdown

From: Márcio Geovani Jasinski <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 14:03:35 -0300

Hi Ed,

Mentioned issue is still happening. We registered 2 unexpected shutdown on
April 20th and yesterday April 26th.
In order to get more details of what´s happening I changed log level on
several Glassfish components to finest.

I did the same log adjustment in .ear application and there´s no signal of
error neither context destroy information as we have coded.
Moreover Glassfish did realize that something went wrong - but it tells that
an admin requested a shutdown which nobody did...
Glassfish is installed as a service and there´s no entry on Event Viewer
about a service restart/stop.

Heres the log (attached as well):

unlocking session: sess =StandardSession[f52117d126e161b94ad468361421]|#]

= _lockType= null
foregroundRefCount= 0|#]

0, 135) org.apache.coyote.Response_at_1fc9529|#]




Connection closed due to admin requested shutdown: localhost:6767(1995),
ConnectionID=8082324740562242048, ReconnectEnabled: true,
false];_RequestID=6dea1acb-2d02-4e22-aa9e-cc68fccb3956;|ENTRY E201:[E201]:
Connection closed due to admin requested shutdown: localhost:6767(1995),
ConnectionID=8082324740562242048, ReconnectEnabled: true,
IsConnectedToHABroker: false]|#]

From OpenMQ, the issue is caught by the shutdown hook:

[26/Apr/2011:16:58:17 GMT-03:00] Creating new Producer 8082324791354713856
on Q:COMMAND_OUT for connection 8082324740562242048
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:18 GMT-03:00] Creating new Producer 8082324791355121920
on Q:COMMAND_OUT for connection 8082324740562242048
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:20 GMT-03:00] Creating new Producer 8082324791355521792
on Q:COMMAND_OUT for connection 8082324740562242048
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] Shutdown requested by brokerShutdownHook
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] [B1047]: Shutting down broker...
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] [B1077]: Broadcast good-bye to all
connections ...
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] [B1078]: Flushing good-bye messages ...
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] Close Session 8082324680546840832
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] Detaching Consumer
[consumer:8082324680546844929, type=CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE] on connection
8082324680546829056 from Session 8082324680546840832 last id was null
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] Session: Pausing Session
[8082324680546840832][1] Detatch consumer A Consumer -
Q:EVENT_IN:[consumer:8082324680546844929, type=CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE]
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] Session: Resuming Session
[8082324680546840832][0] resuming after detatch Consumer -
Q:EVENT_IN:[consumer:8082324680546844929, type=CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE]
[26/Apr/2011:16:58:25 GMT-03:00] Cleaning up transactions on connection

We got access to the server as soon they realized the system was down and I
could verify that Glassfish was not working.
Following listeners didn´t respond at all after OpenMQ shutdown. Example:
HTTP (8585) HTTP(4949), JMX (8686. Attached is all open ports at this time).

Ed, is it possible to check what´s going on with those logs using finest
We are looking forward to find a suitable solution since those shutdowns are
stopping client employees to get access to their areas.

Any thoughts will be very appreciated. Thanks.

Márcio Geovani Jasinski
Blumenau, Santa Catarina
Fone: +55 47 9653 4899