Hi Ed,
Thanks again for prompt answer and all insight.
The info you got from logs is absolutely right: Glassfish 2.1.1, MQ 4.4 and
JDK 1.6.0_18 (32 bits)
Few more details of server OS is Windows 2003 64 SP 2.
Right now we are using JMS Type Local but normally we use Embeeded (all
development and quality tests were done only with Embeeded).
At this client server MQ shutdown is happening in both configuration Local
and Embeeded.
Next week I'll try set up Remote mode on clients pre-prod environment and
see how is going to behave.I think it is a very interesting scenario to be
tested. In case everything goes well, I'll try same on production server and
let you about the results.
During this week we switched back the default log level. You guessed right
about disk consumption...
I also did a watchdog service which restart Glassfish automatically every
time JMS port is not listed on netstat command.
It's a workaround to reduce client impact regarding this issue and also send
me a email reporting that server went down.
This also will be helpful during any other verification like use Remote JMS
At development side - we normally difference on OS side (Developers have
Windows 7 and Vista).
Although Glassfish and MQ version is always the same as used on client
side I think we have following differences between development team and
client environment:
- JDK can be slightly different since it's managed by Eclipse and each
developer can change it. Our company Eclipse default version uses JDK 1.5;
- Domain profile was development.
Before 'go to market phase' we also did several tests with quality group. On
this case most of the tests had pretty similar config as our client has.
- Cluster domain with Embeeded JMS Type;
- Glassfish, OpenMQ and JDK were same (2.11, 4.4 and 1.6.0_18)
- Windows 2003 32 bits and 64 bits
- Tests
- Main difference on this case would be infrastructure since those tests
were done in a lab with kind of isolated network and environment.
And also application database since internal tests used Oracle XE and SQL
Server Express.
Another thing that might be very useful Ed:
We have exactly same application running fine almost 2 months and it's using
Glassfish 2.1 with JDK 1.5 (at our own company).
This was considered 1st stage of 'go to market' and didn't reveal any issue
even until now.
Maybe this issue is related only to version 2.1.1 but it's pretty hard to
Next week I'll try MQ as Remote and I'll let you know about the results. It
can take few weeks to have it but as soon I have some new I'll let you know.
Márcio Geovani Jasinski
Blumenau, Santa Catarina
Fone: +55 47 9653 4899