Re: Injected OSGiService in registered servlets

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 21:07:14 +0530

Hi Robert,

Injection is performed when Servlet container instantiates the servlet
instance. Since you are registering your own Servlet instances using
OSGi/HTTP service, injection is not performed in that instance.

On Monday 25 April 2011 08:49 PM, Robert Weeks wrote:
> Hello -
> I have been trying to utilize the injected osgi service annotations within a servlet that is registered via the http service. I see this is possible within a hybrid web app - but shouldn't this be possible if the servlet is registered via the osgi http service in a bundle?
> Say my service is registered in our activator (example):
> context.registerService(SystemManagerService.class.getName(), new SystemManager(), props);
> (props does contain the SERVICE_PID for the service).
> as well there is a servlet that is registered:
> ... (getting the http service)...
> httpService.registerServlet("/myalias", new MyServlet(), null, null);
> and within that servlet (I use the @WebServlet annotations - but don't think they have any merit on registered servlets):
> ...
> public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
> ...
> @Inject @OSGiService(dynamic=true,waitTimeout=(30*1000))
> private SystemManagerService sysMgr;
> ...
> }
> I don't seem to be able to get the correct reference here at all. It is always null when I try to access it.
> Is there something I am missing - or are these not able to be resolved in servlets that are registered via the HTTP Service?
> Thanks for any info.
> Robert Weeks
> Senior Software Developer
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