Re: get-health reports incorrectly

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 09:55:45 -0400

> 2. After I start both instances and issue: get-health mycluster on the DAS
> server I get:
> asadmin> get-health cluster1
> inst1 not started
> inst2 not started
> Command get-health executed successfully.

I've seen the other emails with you and Tom, and want to follow up with this part. First, can you verify that the instances are really running? Can you do 'asadmin list-instances --long' and make sure the DAS knows the instances are up?

If the validate-multicast command shows multicast is working, that's a good start. But it doesn't mean the instances are using the right settings. See if any of the steps here help you:

If not, please respond with the list-instances output above, the output from 'validate-multicast' on the DAS and one other node (use the --verbose option as well), and if that doesn't solve it I might need a peek at your domain.xml.
