iPlanet Web Server can not open to instance in glassfish cluster ? Please

From: <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 00:23:50 -0500 (CDT)

*According from my system environment in
I have 3 Physical Machine*
*1> server hostname is 'linuxgf175'( main cluster control (DAS)
and Install iPlanet Webserver with gflb-configurator
2> server hostname is 'linuxgf170'( server for node1(n1) has
Instance1 (i1)
3> server hostname is 'linuxgf180'( server for node2(n2) has
Instance2 (i2)*



*1. I was install iPlanet Web Server to same DAS machine. (
2. And create Server Certificates request. *
Certificate Details
Nickname cert-linuxgf175
Subject CN=linuxgf175
Issuer Self Signed
Key Type RSA
Key Size (bits) 1024
Valid From April 18, 2011 7:30:09 PM ICT
Valid Till April 18, 2012 7:30:09 PM ICT
Fingerprint CE:D8:5E:97:DB:56:89:00:56:A7:0F:EB:0D:D4:4A:06
Serial Number 00:94:26:11:AB
Server Name linuxgf175
(Picture : 

*3. And create new http-listenser (SSL for communicate with DAS port 8082 )*
(Picture :
[1] )
4. And import cert file(s1as.rfc) to glassfish-lbconfigurator wizard. (run
lb-configure command #java -jar glassfish-lbconfigulator.jar )
I was exported that file like this command :
/ keytool -export -rfc -alias s1as -keystore
/usr/glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/keystore.jks -file
5*. Create and Apply http-lb to DAS domain success !! :)*

/asadmin> create-http-lb --devicehost linuxgf175 --deviceport 8082 --target
c1 cluster_lb
Enter admin user name> admin
Enter admin password for user "admin">
Command create-http-lb executed successfully.
asadmin> apply-http-lb-changes cluster_lb
Enter admin user name> admin
Enter admin password for user "admin">
Command apply-http-lb-changes executed successfully./

*6. Deploy "clusterjsp.ear" Application to Cluster c1 with
deploy success
(Picture : 

*7.try to open application , use browser open to iPlanet webserver * [2] (It's success display iPlanet Home screen )
(Picture :
*8.try to open to "clusterjsp" application . t's failed. why It's can not to
route to both instance on both node ? (include context path /clusterjsp )* [3]
(Picture :
9.*iPlanet Startup log
*/Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7.0.9 B07/04/2010 01:31
info: reports: Initializing lbplugin BuildId: GlassFish 3.1 load-balancer
plugi n b05
info: CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.6.0_20] from
[Sun M icrosystems Inc.]
config: , name-trans-passthrough reports: init-passthrough has not been
config: , name-trans-passthrough reports: init-passthrough has not been
config: , name-trans-passthrough reports: init-passthrough has not been
warning: reports: lb.router: XML_VALIDATOR_WARNING: No web modules configured
f or cluster c1. For Load Balancing to be performed on the cluster, at least
one w eb module needs to be configured.
warning: reports: lb.configurator: XML_VALIDATOR_WARNING: Cookies will not be
r ewritten by web server. All cookie updates will be handled by application
server . If you are using older version of application server, then failover
will not w ork.
warning: reports: lb.configurator: Preferred failover instance feature is
enabl ed.
warning: reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon //http://linuxgf170:28082/
[4]/ has been intialized.
warning: reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon //https://linuxgf170:28183/
[5]/ has bee n intialized.
warning: reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon //http://linuxgf170:24850/
[6]/ has been intialized.
warning: reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon //http://linuxgf180:28082/
[7]/ has been intialized.
warning: reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon //https://linuxgf180:28183/
[8]/ has bee n intialized.
warning: reports: lb.runtime: RNTM2019: Daemon //http://linuxgf180:24850/
[9]/ has been intialized.
info: HTTP3072: http-listener-1: //http://linuxgf175:80/ [10]/ ready to
accept requests
info: HTTP3072: http-listener-2: //https://linuxgf175:8082/ [11]/ ready to
accept request s
info: CORE3274: successful server startup/



*## Why i not see any configure node1 & node2 URL Port into iPlanet ?
node1 Application URL is : [12]
node2 Application URL is : [13]*
(Picture :
[15] )
How i can link iPlanet to glassfish application to glassfish instance node.*
*Please sir.... please see image url and help clarify T_T*

Can direct contect to me for more help Thank you very much for best support. [16]
skype : mr_lalit


[2] ../../../../../../external?url=
[3] ../../../../../../external?url=
[4] ../../../../../../external?url=http://linuxgf170:28082
[5] ../../../../../../external?url=https://linuxgf170:28183
[6] ../../../../../../external?url=http://linuxgf170:24850
[7] ../../../../../../external?url=http://linuxgf180:28082
[8] ../../../../../../external?url=https://linuxgf180:28183
[9] ../../../../../../external?url=http://linuxgf180:24850
[10] ../../../../../../external?url=http://linuxgf175:80
[11] ../../../../../../external?url=https://linuxgf175:8082
[12] ../../../../../../external?url=
[13] ../../../../../../external?url=

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