Re: Is Glassfish a Web Server/Application Server/or Both?

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 15:34:34 +0200

(moving to USERS)

If I was answering an RFP (which this the case here), I'd mention the HTTP Web Servers that GlassFish supports as front ends: Oracle iPlanet Web Server 7, Apache 2.2, IIS 7.5, and Oracle HTTP Server. Details are in the compatibility matrix:

But at the same time you are correct that you can use GlassFish without fronting it with a Web Server. For simple network topologies (no DMZ, no load-balancing) you can use the built-in Web Server which is Grizzly (, a high-performance nio framework used here for serving HTTP requests.


On 1 avr. 2011, at 21:15, Derek Knapp wrote:

> We are going thru a security audit, and have to fill out some questions related to which web/application server we use, and I'm not too sure how to respond.
> I am pretty sure Glassfish is an application server, but is it also a web server? or does it use a web server under the hood?
> These are the questions, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Question 20
> Provide Question Response
> What is the web server platform used by the application?
> Check All that Apply
> Flag?
> Comments
> My New Comments
> Deficiencies
> Apache
> Other
> No Web server
> x
> Question 21
> Provide Question Response
> What is the application server platform used by the application?
> Check All that Apply
> Flag?
> Comments
> My New Comments
> Deficiencies
> WebSphere
> Glassfish 3.1
> TomCat
> WebLogic
> Jboss
> Other
> X
> No application server