Re: JWS app client port from Glassfish 3.01 to 3.1; ...

From: <>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 12:49:13 -0500 (CDT)


Hi, Dave.

Some questions and comments...

1. Does this client work correctly if you use

asadmin get-client-stubs --appname TPSv3 localdir
appclient -jar localdir/TPSv3Client.jar

(I might not have the name of the JAR quite right; it'll be the only JAR in
the localdir directory.)  I suspect this will work but it's worth

2. What operating system and version is this happening on?  What version of
Java do you have, and did you use the same version with 3.0.1 and 3.1?

3. Can you e-mail your app to me so we can test it from this end?  Or can
you describe the app in enough detail so that we might be able to reproduce
the problem? 

The URL in the stack trace looks valid to me.  I'm not sure why EclipseLink
would think it's invalid unless EclipseLink is throwing the invalid URL
exception any time it has trouble opening a JAR that might contain a PU.

It's also true that Glassfish 3.0.1 shipped with EclipseLink 2.0.2 (I think)
while GlassFish 3.1 shipped with a later version (again, I think). 
Unfortunately there are lots of variables in the equation here; the problem
could be due to changes in EclipseLink, changes in GlassFish, or something
else.  A simple example app that shows the problem would be a huge help.

I'll also get my friends from the persistence team thinking about this.

- Tim




   1) does work.  It starts without delay.

    2) Windows 7 premium (x64)  , java 1.6.0_24

    3) I will try and dummy up a small app that exhibits the problem (if
I can).

Problem Update:  The same ear file "TPWv3.ear" will load in glassfish 3.0.1
and 3.1.  JWS will load

the application client, however glassfish 3.1/JWS will cause a very long
delay (10-15 min) before running the app.

I'm having a hard time determining where the delay is.  Using the
"get-client-stubs" and appclient commands, the

app starts right away.



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