I tried with your suggested glassfish-ejb-jar.xml under WEB-INF. Now the
error messages have gone away, but there is no effect on the number of MDBs.
I put a log messages inside my MDB constructor and looks like there are 32 of
them being created!
I have created a small test app. Don't know how to attach it here, but you
can download it from our subversion repository. The URL is
https://archfirst.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/java/examples/jms-perf-mdb. This
application has an MDB that simply listens for messages and prints out stats
after every 1000 messages. I also have a standalone application that sends
1000 messages as fast it can. You can download it here:
https://archfirst.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/java/examples/jms-perf. To run the
sender application, just create a queue with JNDI name jms/PerfQueue and run
the batch file called simple-producer-glassfish.bat.
Thanks for your help.
[Message sent by forum member 'nbhatia']
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