Re: WS-AT impl in GF 3.1 has changed in an backward-incompatible way

From: Brian Leathem <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 09:39:29 -0800

FYI, the way I got this to work was by putting a
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) annotation
on the EJB consuming the web service.


On 02/10/2011 10:22 AM, Brian Leathem wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a simple webservice exposed via a @WebService annotation on an
> EJB in a GF 2 environment. This webservice is consumed via a
> @WebServiceRef annotation on an EJB property in a GF 3 environment.
> This worked great in GF 3.0.1.
> In trying out the glassfish 3.1 release candidates, I noticed this was
> no longer working, so I filed an issue:
> In that issue, Marek has pointed out to me that I should put a
> Metro-specific @Transactional annotation to the EJB now. I'm assuming
> he means I put this on the webservice source, which for me is in GF
> v2. I tried this, but I get a "WSGEN FAILED" message when I try to
> deploy to GF v2 with that annotation. Is this @Transactional
> annotation available in GF 2.1?
> Is there some other way I can proceed to get the webservice client to
> work in GF 3.1? I really don't need transactions for this, it is just
> a simple lookup. The only reason they are exposed/consumed via EJB's
> is just a matter of convenience, as that is where the rest of the
> logic sits.
> Thanks in advance,
> Brian Leathem