GlassFish 3.1 embedded + OSGi = ???

From: Michael Hollatz <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 13:25:27 +0100

Hi *,

I know you all are busy with the RC's and bug fixing but I have a
"simple" question:

How are we supposed to use the embedded GF within an OSGi environment?

So we have some applications composed of OSGi Bundles and they also use
the JavaEE/OSGi integration provided by GlassFish 3.1. In order to
implement component/module tests I was thinking about using the
glassfish-embedded-all to accomplish that but I want to make sure if it
is confirmed (or proposed) to work or, if not, what other options you
would recommend me to try.

Thanx for any hint/information/links.


P.S.: I've already tried the approach that Sahoo described once here:

This one is a bit dated and trying that one with a recent promoted build
lets the main glassfish-core bundle fail to start.