Singleton EJB startup order

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 11:56:18 -0500

I had a question regarding @Singleton EJBs annotated with @Startup,
specifically as they relate to persistence units.

Liquibase ( has a ServletContextListener facility that
allows it to perform some sanity checks against the database on application
startup. However, when a failure occurs here, deployment is aborted, and
Glassfish is left in an inconsistent state and future deployments fail.
Leaving aside the obvious heinous Glassfish bug here, I don't really want to
use a ServletContextListener for startup operations, as that's really just a
convenient side effect and smells like a hack.

Enter EJB 3.1 and its @Startup beans, which are clearly designed to perform
startup activities for a Java EE application.

My question is: do these beans get processed before JPA gets involved? I
would like to be able to perform database sanity checks before any JPA
mappings are processed.

The EJB 3.1 specification says only this:

the container must initialize the Singleton bean instance during the
application startup sequence. The container must initialize all such
startup-time Singletons before any external client requests (that is, client
requests originating outside of the application) are delivered to any
enterprise bean components in the application.
