Re: dependency issue at migration from geronimo to glassfish

From: Hong Zhang <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:00:32 -0500

The easiest way to do this with glassfish might be to put the common
libraries into domains/domain1/lib/applibs directory. And then for each
ear deployment, specific --libraries option to reference the necessary

More details on the libraries option of the deploy command: wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have some EAR projects which all have a dependency to a central main EAR. The whole system is running on geronimo 2.1.7 at the moment and the dependency stuff is solved with according entries in the geronimo-application.xml.
> When I try to install this system on glassfish 3.0.1 the main project could be deployed without problems, but when I try to deploy one of the dependend projects a ClassNotFoundException occurs.
> So how can I tell glassfish that the missing classes could be found in the main-ear? Is there an equivalent to the dependency-configuration of the geronimo-xmls? How could I solve this issue without changing the existing architecture?
> thx
> Chris