Re: server.log doesn't update?

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 15:15:42 -0800

Can it be that you are watching the renamed version? After the log fills
in, it's renamed to a timestamped version, and the new server.log starts
getting the log messages.


Laird Nelson wrote:
> I'm seeing a very bizarre situation where I have a perfectly happy
> Glassfish 3.1 b38 instance humming along, but it is not logging
> anything at all in server.log.
> It is the only Glassfish instance on the box.
> There is a server.log.lck file in there as well, which has 0 bytes in
> it (I assume this is some kind of a lock file).
> What would stop Glassfish from logging, and what would make it so that
> the logs simply vanish into thin air?
> This Glassfish instance was started as a Windows service (cue ominous
> music as Glassfish has always had problems in this regard), in case
> that helps.
> Best,
> Laird