Re: Does create-domain offer a sensible port convention for multi-domain setup?

From: Andrew Hughes <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 10:25:59 +1030

Woot! see...

asadmin create-domain --help for....

         Determines the number with which the port assignment
         should start. A domain uses a certain number of ports
         that are statically assigned. The portbase value deter-
         mines where the assignment should start. Choose this
         value carefully. The values for the ports are calculated
         as follows: Admin port: portbase + 48, HTTP listener
         port: portbase + 80, IIOP listener port: portbase + 37,
         JMX port: portbase + 86. See the output of this subcom-
         mand for a complete list of occupied ports, when --
         portbase option is specified. The --portbase option can-
         not be used with the --adminport, --instanceport, or the
         --domainproperties option.

Still not sure about the renaming.moving of a domains ports tho :)

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 10:17 AM, Andrew Hughes <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We want to run multiple domains and would like an intuitive convention for
> the allocation of ports to domains. Does create-domain help with this and if
> so what is the convention? Given that port number max is 65535 and we humans
> like numbers in base10 I'm finding it very hard.
> Also, seems like old doco says you can use asadmin to change the port
> numbers for an existing domain if you want to change them. Still true? link?
> Help would be grand, cheers :)